Grace Kilgallen View A Story - Grimsby, Ontario | Stonehouse-Whitcomb Funeral Home
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Grace Kilgallen
In Memory of
Grace Euphemia
Kilgallen (Tait)
1928 - 2018
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Smith's Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Diane Godwin
"I was one of the lucky women to have Grace as my nurse when I delivered my daugh"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Stan and Bernie Ochtabienski
"We’ll miss you. RIP"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Tina Dekker
"A very dear friend and neighbour,we will miss your kind words and many stories a"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Marianna Dunn
"Someone as special as Grace will never be forgotten. She will remain in our hear"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
The Reid Family
"In memory of a wonderful family friend. We have so many great memories."
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We'll all miss Grace and her wonderful laugh!

Aunt Grace, as mom taught us to call her, was one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing in this world.   She and Lew were best friends to our parents and were larger than life figures to my  brother, sisters and I.   When they were young they bowled together on a regular basis, played cards, enjoyed dinner and drinks ... it was always quality times when they came over for a visit or if our family went to their house.  We became good friends with Grace and Lew's boys - Don and Doug and then got to know their families as everyone grew up.   These family times were building blocks for our own families and we grew up loving to do the same thing with our good friends.  When Grace was around you could always hear her... especially her infectious laugh!  I never saw her angry or in a bad mood.  She was always so nice to us, always interested in how our family was growing, what our children were up to, how work was going and was very excited to see our son Chris and his partner, Emily, make Jenn and I grandparents.   I guess that was the nurse in her!   Since my mother passed a way not too long ago, Grace and dad would enjoy Leafs games together (even when they were not such a great team.... sorry Leaf fans... just saying), share a drink and some laughs I'm sure.  Oh, you can bet that her wonderful laugh was always present.  

Thanks Grace for being such a wonderful person, a great influence and such a good family friend.  We miss you already!

Love John & Jennifer Kapusty and family.

Posted by John Kapusty
Wednesday March 14, 2018 at 11:13 am
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