Bruno Morgan View Condolences - Burlington, Ontario | Guelph Line Smith's Funeral Home
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Bruno Morgan
In Memory of
Bruno Joseph Robillard
1927 - 2016
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Smith's Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
"Bruno was a great man! Great memories!"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Hilary Sadler & Robert Norman
"Deborah, Melanie & Michele, May the light of the candles shine brightly as the"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Hilary Sadler & Robert Norman
"Deborah, Melanie & Michele, May the light of the candles shine brightly as the"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Hilary Sadler & Robert Norman
"Deborah, Melanie & Michele, May the light of the candles shine brightly as the"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Larry Bauer, Vancouver, B.C.
"I knew Bruno for 37 years. I remember the wonderful Christmas spent at Philip's"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Maryon Morgan MacRae
"In memory of my beloved brother Bruno with love and affection "
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Condolence From: John Morgan (Johnny)
Condolence: Bruno was my uncle and I will remember him with love. I will always be thankful for the summer trips to Oakville/Burlington that became a tradition for me and my dad and for the many times he welcomed us into his home with a smile and a handshake, a bowl of peanuts, a glass of wine and usually a pork chop dinner! He knew how to laugh and I remember the three of us, Bruno, myself and my dad, having turned in one night, lying in our respective beds and carrying on our conversation across the hall from one another, from one bedroom to the next, laughing and giggling like school boys at summer camp. I'm thankful for that and for all the times that we spent together.
Saturday May 28, 2016
Condolence From: Philip J Morgan MD
Condolence: Bruno was my older brother and more. He was a friend.
He will be misse by all. He was a good person, a food fartherr..
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Condolence From: Philip J Morgan MD
Condolence: Bruno was my older brother and a real friend. When we were all children he taught us hockey. For the past several years we exchanged views on the stock market. market each morning on the phone.

I will miss him He was a great guy. . .
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Condolence From: Maryon MacRae
Condolence: My dear brother Bruno was my friend, confidante and advisor throughout my life. When I married my beloved Marcus Bruno gave me away in the place of my father who was ill. I was so proud of him with his prematurely white hair and good looks. We shared a love of hockey and often compared notes on the games by telephone in the middle of a game! I feel as though a part of me has gone with him, there are too many memories to share. God bless his daughters Deborahh, Melanie and Michele and Jo-Ann his former wife in their time of grieving.
Tuesday May 24, 2016
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