In Memory of




Condolence From: Edward Adams
Condolence: To Shirley and family, We are sorry we can't be with you for Stan's memorial service. We know it's been a difficult time for you as a family. We may be separated by the Ocean but at a time like this you are much on our hearts and in our prayers, With love from us both, Ed and Anne Adams (Northern Ireland)
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Tim Hubbert
Condolence: Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your husband and father. Our thoughts are with you. Tim & Kim Hubbert & family
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Mary Keller
Condolence: Dear Shirley and Family: Please accept my deepest condolences over the loss of Stan. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Sincerely, Mary Keller
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Libbey and Walter Skinner
Condolence: To Shirley, Mike, Sharon and your extended families, It is at this special time of Stan's passing for reflection and memories of a dear husband and father. We send our sincere condolences to you and your family members. You have cared for Stan, Shirley, with the deeepest compassion, love and devotion, far and beyond anyone we've ever known. Your example of absolute willingness and steadfast commitment to Stan, and to your family, is a wonderful inspiration to all who know your family. It has been our priveledge and great pleasure to share in your lives as we have been so enriched by the many kindnesses and grace you and Stan have blessed us with. We also shall miss his twinkling blue eyes, engagingly, whimsical smile, quick wit, and his favourite Christmas expression. Stan's been released from his prison; body, mind,and soul. This we can celebrate, along with over seventy years of full life, fast cars, motorcyles, a super wife, two wonderful children and four bright and beautiful grandkids, and many friends to remember this great guy.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Laura Forde
Condolence: Dear Shirley I have fond memories of visiting with Stan and you. you both were so kind and caring and I for one will greatly miss Stan and you around Eventide my deepest sympathy Laura (volunteer Eventide home)
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Dennis & Kathy Ellington
Condolence: Shirley, It was with great sadness to hear of Stans passing. I will cherish the fond memories of the times we spent going to races together. We apologize that we will be unable to attend next Sunday, but our hearts will be with you and your family. Please accept our deepest sympathy Dennis & Kath.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Major Lauren Effer
Condolence: Shirley ... My heart, love and prayers are with you in these days as you journey through the waters of loss and sorrow that are even deeper than you experienced in these last few years. Call on God as you journey for He is present and also cares deeply for you! I'm hearing Stan belting out "Hey Good looking Watcha got cookin'" in heavenly harmony and know that he is truly at peace with God as Stan shared with me from his heart knowing his eternity and his relationship with God. Love you! The peace of the Lord be with you and your family! Lauren
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Mike McGarrell
Condolence: Shirley and Family, Susan,Caitlyn,Meghan and I are saddened to learn that Stan has left us. My fond memories of the valued time that we shared at the races will always be held in a special place. He liked to pick up things at the track and then had me carry it around for the weekend. Your support for Stan and the family during his time of failing health have been truly remarkable and you are to be commended. Please know that are in our thoughts.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Major Grant Effer
Condolence: Shirley, Please accept my condolences. It has been a long journey for you and Stan on a trip that neither of you ever expected to make. Please be assured of my prayers as you journey on.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Ralph Ruby (former IHC colleague at Chatham
Condolence: Greetings & Condolences to Shirley & family: I have often thought of Stan during the past 30 or more years. I check the K-W Record internet daily. Blessings during your sorrow. Ralph Ruby & wife Bernetta.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Oliver and Janice Silver
Condolence: Shirley, we are very sorry to learn of Stan's passing, and send you our condolences. Very sorry we're unable to get to the service. We will always remember Stan as being an early to rise bird, an energetic vigorous enthusiastic man, sharp as a tack, who thought nothing of driving a truck from Ontario to British Columbia, spending an hour there and driving home again. Another unforgettable memory of Stan is that he was the only person I have ever known who would insist on wearing short sleeve dress shirts outside ,and no jacket, when it was minus 20 in the winter. Stan was a terrific man, a gentleman, and while he didn't suffer fools, he had warmth and kindness and love in him for all others. We will miss him, and our best to you.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Dave & Margaret Coombs
Condolence: Shirley and family: It was with great sadness that we learned of Stan's passing. Although we hadn't seen him for many years, Shirley, we know of your great care and devotion to him during his illness, and we pray that God will strengthen and bless you at this difficult time.
Monday November 30, -0001