In Memory of




Condolence From: Sandy Schweig
Condolence: Dear Mike,Cora,Lisa,Chris and your beautiful family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very sad time in your lives. She is now in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father, free of any pain and smiling down on all of you ... Rest in Peace Catherine ... God Bless ... <3
Sunday July 15, 2012
Condolence From: David Kidd
Condolence: Catherine was one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met and it was such a pleasure to have know her. Even though I never was officially part of the family she made me feel like I had been. I guess if we could all leave them wanting more the way she did we would have led a good life.
Sunday July 15, 2012
Condolence From: Michelle Holden
Condolence: To the family, I am sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you all. To Catherine, you will be deeply missed. I am grateful for having been able to know you. You took me into your heart and always treated me as one of your own grandchildren. You were always a strong and positive woman and enjoyed a long life. Thank you Grandma Geffros for letting me be a small part it.
Saturday July 14, 2012
Condolence From: Susan Denomme
Condolence: Great leaders come in many forms. Auntie Katie should be remembered as being a great leader: She lead quietly and gently with her heart, mind and feet. Auntie Katie had a big heart. Her passion in her faith and family was contagious. Even when she experienced disappointment and loss in life she never wavered from her strong belief in God and the Church. People felt they were special and important in Auntie Katie’s company because she willingly listened with an open mind and heart. She was a master in the art of communication. She made herself approachable. Her door was always open to accept a visit from family and friends. Auntie Katie walked the talk by her drive, energy, determination and self-discipline She lead by example with good character. She gave back to her community in her volunteer work and in service to her Parish. She served as an influential role model to her family and friends. I suspect Auntie Katie may not have believed she was a great leader as she was humble. If you are listing Auntie Katie please know I was watching and want follow your path. Susan (Strub) Denomme
Friday July 13, 2012
Condolence From: carol zinger
Condolence: To Geffros family: I am sorry to hear of the death of your mother, grandmother and friend. Your family is in my prayers. God is with you and wil give you strength at this difficult time. carol
Friday July 13, 2012
Condolence From: Mike. Cora and family
Condolence: Mom Cora Lisa Chris and families have been blessed to have you as our inspiration , teacher , you have fought us more about life and and everything good than any teacher or book ever could, you taught us by example. Mom as one one of your children I watched and listened to you dealing with issue after issue without a complaint, you always said Gog would never give you more than you can handle. Mom We will never forget you and I will do my best to live the rest of my life in a way that will make you proud of me. I will do my best to be where I know where you are now, please put in a good word for me and my family when I get there look for me I might for you to find as you will be in the front row and I I will probably be in the back. I could type for the rest of my life and never properly tell you how honored I am to be your son. I hope to see you later and I am sorry I could not be at your side when you passed please forgive me the 36hours aftte I heard you were so sick were the worst 36 hours in my life.I am so happy you and I had 2 conversations when I was at the usual we laughed as we always did. Mickey. Cora Lisa Chris and families
Thursday July 12, 2012
Condolence From: Francis & Sherry Weiss
Condolence: Sorry for your loss, You are in our prays
Thursday July 12, 2012
Condolence From: DJ and Sydney Bodnar
Condolence: Chris, I have always known you to hold your head up high, your grandmother will be able to see your face better that way, even if there are tears rolling down it. Our Thoughts and Love are with you and your family.
Thursday July 12, 2012
Condolence From: Dennis & Sherry
Condolence: Mary, Rebecca , Kristy and families. We are so sorry for your loss. Grandma Catherine was very special. ❤❤❤
Wednesday July 11, 2012
Condolence From: Maryana & Jeff Davies
Condolence: Our most deepest and heartfelt condolences to the entire family. She always made me feel so special every time we would visit. I will sincerely miss seeing her smiling face and feeling her warm embrace. I am glad to have known her. All our love, Maryana, Jeff & Sydney.
Wednesday July 11, 2012