In Memory of




Condolence From: Beth Campbell
Condolence: I am deeply saddened to hear of Greg's passing and feel that I was truly blessed and honored to have had the pleasure of knowing and working with him. Greg was a trusted friend who was honest and decent and always chose the right path in his dealings as a representative for the Guild in looking after his brothers and sisters in the CCG. He always gave great advise and I am richer for having had him play such a large role in my career and for having been blessed to know him. My sympathies to Sue and the family.
Thursday January 10, 2019
Condolence From: Steve Pauley
Condolence: I want to offer my condolences to Greg’s family. He was always there for his shipmates; reliable with a great sense of humour. I looked forward to seeing him when we called into Amherstburg and recalled the pride he had in showing me his latest bike. You will be greatly missed.
Wednesday December 26, 2018
Condolence From: Chris vanKoppen
Condolence: I was truly shocked to hear the news,he will be missed very much My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family
Tuesday December 25, 2018
Condolence From: Lorraine Jarvis
Condolence: I met Greg and Sue through our mutual love of riding motorcycles. Greg became a customer at the shop where I worked. What a great guy. He will be missed by many. My heart felt condolences to Sue and his family. He can ride and sail all he wants now.
Saturday December 22, 2018
Condolence From: Mark Coultis
Condolence: There are no ex-sailors. The title is earned, never given and what's earned is yours forever. Sailors never die. We report to Davy Jones Locker and regroup.
Friday December 21, 2018
Condolence From: Mike Collins
Condolence: My sincere condolences to the Colbeck family. Greg was a great co worker and friend, going to miss our chats. Fair winds and following seas old buddy. See you on the other side for a pop.
Friday December 21, 2018
Condolence From: Thomas Spindler
Condolence: Susan and family please accept our sincerest sympathy on Greg's sudden passing. Greg's dedication, service and loyalty to his fellow officers and the Guild was only surpassed by his love and commitment to his family. Greg eagerly shared stories of his family , his work and occasionally his bike, in equal measure, whenever we were gathered for Guild work and there was a lull in the action. Greg was committed to making a difference for his fellow officers and rest assured he did and he will be missed. Our deepest condolences on behalf of Capt. Mark Boucher National President,Capt Mike Burgess Eastern Branch President, the Eastern Branch Executive Board and Guild Staff.
Friday December 21, 2018
Condolence From: William Jerome
Condolence: I was shocked and saddened to learn of Greg's sudden passing. Hard to believe he won't be seen outdoors polishing his bike or cleaning up around the yard. My sympathy to Susan and the family. Bill
Friday December 21, 2018
Condolence From: Marianne Gignac
Condolence: I am so sorry for your loss. Greg was truly an amazing intelligent man. I am saddened about this loss and am sending hugs from Amherstburg CCG Base. He will always be remembered and never forgotten.
Friday December 21, 2018
Condolence From: Shawn Cook & Terese Herron
Condolence: We were both deeply saddened and shocked to hear of Greg's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sue and family. Greg touched many lives throughout his years of work and social activities. He was a jovial and fun loving character who was quick to point out the ray of sunshine even in the darkest moments. The world is a whole lot less today, but Greg would not want us to harp on about his passing. He would say something like "Get over it Cook, it's time to put on your big boy pants!" Fair winds and following seas, Greg.
Thursday December 20, 2018
Condolence From: Richard Beaudoin
Condolence: A true measure of ones success in life is the love and support of your family. The respect and admiration of your peers and co-workers and the legacy you leave behind. Greg truly had the support and love of his family to go forth and do a job he loved and cared about. A testament of his professionalism and dedication are in the many comments here from his friends. Greg the example you set with your work ethics and the knowledge you shared with others will continue. No more storms to go out in just calm waters to sail my friend. Sue and Family, I wish you find strength and peace in the memories you all have made and in the tributes here. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
Thursday December 20, 2018
Condolence From: Roger East
Condolence: A true lifelong friend, a man whose word was his bond. I cannot believe he is gone.
Thursday December 20, 2018
Condolence From: Alan Morris
Condolence: I was saddened and shocked to hear of the passing of Greg. His loss will be deeply felt by his family, friends and colleagues. Alan Morris
Thursday December 20, 2018
Condolence From: Harold Rink
Condolence: So sorry to hear about the loss of Greg. He was a character and ship mate never to be replicated or replaced. It was my pleasure to have known him. Condolences to all his family
Thursday December 20, 2018
Condolence From: Liza Zefkic
Condolence: I want to extend my heartfelt condolences to all those who loved Greg. I met him whilst working in HR at DFO in the early nineties and he was such a gentle giant who was a joy to know. I ran into Greg a few years back and when I saw the twinkle in his eye as he spoke of his love of both his wife and their shared activity, their bikes, I knew he found his happiness. A true gentleman. I am so sorry for his passing. Liza Zefkic
Wednesday December 19, 2018
Condolence From: Bert & Angie Bonnar
Condolence: Greg was a fellow you could meet once and feel like you have known him for a years! He spoke of both his family and his profession with a sense of pride. Our condolences Sue. Please reach out to loved ones and friends for comfort-you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday December 19, 2018
Condolence From: Vern and Wendy Pinto
Condolence: Greg was a true gentleman and a genuine person. He will be sadly missed. God bless to Sue, Richard, Colleen, Alison and Imogen.
Wednesday December 19, 2018
Condolence From: Mike Rankin (former co-worker at CCG)
Condolence: Greg had a strong, trusted character and never backed down when he was faced with an issue for himself or for those he represented. He was proud of his decades of service for the country and was always a resourceful, conscientious marine engineer. His crews and coworkers loved him and sometimes that says it all about a sailor. Greg, as he likely did similarly for many of us at CCG, called us by our trade name followed by our last name. Perhaps, this was his military training manifesting itself but it always made me smile. While I worked there with him in the past, he always took the time to check in on all of us more junior guys to see if we needed anything. I will remember those chats on the dock. While faithfully representing dozens of Officers as Guild rep, he certainly had some Scottish fire in him and put it to good use. Sometimes, dealing with the government machine is intimidating but he ensured everyone had a voice and the respect of those at the offices. The operational crews at the search and rescue bases along the Lakes especially knew that they had an ally in him. My deepest condolences to Sue and family. Greg's life and work was important to all of us lucky to have know him. We will certainly miss Engineer Colbeck.
Wednesday December 19, 2018
Condolence From: Alan Read
Condolence: Condolences to Sue and the family, I've know Greg since 1980. A great guy , a great Engineer and a pretty darn good sailor...always there, always dependable,I'll miss him.
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Condolence From: Lisa and Al Geyer
Condolence: I'm going to miss our chats about work. Were all gonna miss you. Take care Greg. Love Al and Lisa
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Condolence From: Ted van gaalen
Condolence: I have had the pleasure of sailing with Greg on many occasions. There are few words that can singly describe him. You just had to be near him to feel who he was. I know he always had my back and all those he sailed with. If you could choose your own crew he would easily a top pick. Stories will always carry on, he will never be forgotten. To his wife and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I have the utmost respect for Greg and will always remember the days we sailed together.
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Condolence From: Dave Clifton
Condolence: Greg will be sadly missed by Karyl and I and by all of Greg's many friends. Greg and I met in the early seventies and later became workmates but foremost we were always friends. I will forever remember his kind heart and sense of humor, he touched a lot of lives. Rest in peace, with much love, Dave and Karyl Clifton.
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Condolence From: Walter Kinkela & Diane Ewance
Condolence: What an honor to have known Greg, he will be greatly missed. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you Sue and your family at this difficult time.
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Condolence From: Greg Mulligan
Condolence: Greg will be missed by all, wishing you strength and peace during this difficult time. Greg & Stacey Mulligan
Tuesday December 18, 2018
Condolence From: Geoff Legge
Condolence: My heartfelt condolences and sympathies to Greg's family and friends. I've known Greg for over 30 years and he will be missed by all who have the pleasure of sailing with him. When The Last Hand Comes Aboard by Richard John Scarr (Brighton, England) No more a Watch to stand, Old Sailor You are outward bound on an ebbing tide. Eight Bells has rung, and last Watch done. Now a new berth waits you on the other side. Your Ship is anchored in God's Harbor. And your Shipmates, sailors of the Lord. Are Mustered on the deck to greet you. And pipe you as you come aboard. Her boilers with full head of steam. Cargo stowed and Galley stored. Just waiting to get underway. When the last Hand comes aboard. Look sharp, that Hand is you, Old Sailor. And you'll be sailing out on Heavenly Seas. May the wind be ever at your back. Fair weather, and God speed!
Tuesday December 18, 2018