In Memory of






Condolence From: anne dewey farwell
Condolence: Mac was a "movie star handsome" uncle/big brother when I was a child, everyone was happy when he was around. He was much adored by my Mother Lois MacLeod Dewey. Our grandparents and my Mother were always ready to laugh and tease so when as an infant Mac dumped me out of my pram onto the cement steps he had to hear forever, when I misbehaved or did something silly "what could be expected since I had been dumped on my head" as an infant. Sonny was his nickname but as he got older he seemed to outgrow it and he announced to my mother and grandparents he would now only answer to MAC. Seems to have worked. Mac will be missed by all who were lucky enough to have known him He will be missed by all who knew him
Saturday May 12, 2018
Condolence From: Lianne
Condolence: I called him my "Uncle Mac" although I am not sure how that came to be.I will always remember how patient and sweet he was teaching me to swim at the cottage. Sorry for your loss. We miss our Mudder dearly too Lianne
Tuesday May 08, 2018