In Memory of





Condolence From: Aunt Jean & Uncle Dave Rankin
Condolence: To Richard and Craig: Our thoughts and prayers have been with you since we received the sad news of your mother’s passing. Our deepest sympathy and love to you both. I have lost a kind and caring sister, but she has left us with many beautiful memories over the years. Some sad times, but also many happy times spent together. Eileen left home to start nurses’ training when I was very young, but I have many great memories of her coming home to King’s Point in the summertime, starting with her training days, and then a few years later, with her husband, Ray, the love of her life. They spent part of their honeymoon in King’s Point. They came many times in later years with their boys, and there were big family get-togethers. Since living on Percy Street in Brighton, we have many, many beautiful memories of delicious meals and time spent with friends and family: Eileen spinning mohair from her goats – I have knitted many pairs of socks from her wool and am still wearing hats that she knitted for me; We had great fun picking pears from the trees in her orchard and picking apples at the Chatten orchard; Our cupboards have many pieces of the beautiful pottery that she made. Dave & I both enjoyed helping her with her pottery booth at Apple Fest for many years… The sunroom in her home was full of her beautiful plants, especially the orchids, and I think that the Green Giant must have had his thumb in her vegetable garden. When she built her house on Percy Street, she decided that she would tile the kitchen floor herself. The carpenters sort of smiled at each other and said, ‘you can’t do that’. ‘Oh, yes I can’, she said, ‘and I know you start from the center’. She laid a beautiful tiled kitchen floor all by herself. She didn’t let us forget the time we were visiting and somebody was going to call a friend but didn’t have the number and 911 was called instead of 411… The responders arrived at her door as well as one of the neighbors on his motorcycle and we laughed. She TRIED to teach me to play bridge, but I just didn’t get it! …The woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep… I shall miss you so much, Eileen – rest in peace, my beloved sister.
Friday March 16, 2018
Condolence From: Dana Woolfrey
Condolence: Craig and Craig, my deepest condolences. She was great, all is true, the peaches, the goats, pottery, beautiful and tough as nails. I knew she played bridge, and Fay, I’m not surprised she mastered it, I wish I had more opportunity for her to have taught me. She liked the things I do too, and mom. She looked at me intensely from across a Tim Hortons table once, moment of silence while we were gently smiling, she said, ‘You have Gwen’s eyes.’ I felt her love, and moms too, at that moment, I treasure that and many more memories with her, and the Aunt J’s. Aunt Jen, Aunt Jean, I’m sorry for the loss of your dear sister. Love you both. Richard and Craig, may your burden of loss be made easier with her peace, all my love, Dana
Wednesday March 14, 2018
Condolence From: Gina Quinn
Condolence: I haven’t seen my great aunt Eileen for many many years but I have the fondest memories of visiting her on her farm. She showed me how to milk a goat and throw my first piece of pottery . I admired her independence and industriousness. I recall that she had angora goats and she would shear them and turn their hair into wool ( on her own wheel) and than knit them into sweaters! I always thought she was a neat lady and I feel she was a kindred spirit . I just read that she liked to fish and now I know that I share common genes with her ! Rest In Peace aunt Eileen xo
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Condolence From: Scott Yates & Chris O’Neill -Yates
Condolence: Our condolences to Richard & Craig. I must agree with all the previous comments from my cousins, Glenda, Michelle and Suzanne, and I’ll add my own. The sparse memories of my early years are the ones where my emotions were triggered and the most vivid memories that remain are the ones from visiting my father’s siblings and families, and more so, them coming to King’s Point to visit us. All my father’s sisters were glamorous movie stars to my young eyes, but there was something unique about Aunt Eileen. Her distinctive voice, her ability to take on any task, and complete it with perfection, and Aunt Eileen was the first woman I knew that liked to go trouting, and she baited her own hook too, with live worms. In contrast, my mother didn’t like cooking fish in the house. I visited Aunt Eileen in Ontario one summer and I remember her telling me I could go pick a peach off the tree in the bottom of her garden. Coming from Newfoundland, simply picking a peach off a tree was intriguing in itself, but when I bit into that peach my mouth couldn’t contain what was inside the fruit. I had peach juice from my nose to my navel. Thank you for all the wonderful memories Aunt Eileen. You have left but your spirit will live on in many of us. Scott
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Condolence From: Fay and Peter McCann
Condolence: Richard and Craig, Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that we feel for the passing of your mother. It was an honour to have known her. Her talents were numerous, Bridge- a true master, Pottery was her passion, a life member of Brighton's garden club where she won many awards. We will miss her terribly. Please accept our sincere condolences
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Condolence From: Cousin Glenda
Condolence: Richard and Craig, Distance has always played a role in our family relationships but that was not a barrier to the love I felt for our mother's sister. All of us have memories of her laugh, her voice, her beauty. Your mom was so talented and turned her hands to many things. She carried herself with dignity even went life hurled sorrow her way. I hope you find peace and comfort in the days ahead because she will be always in your heart. A rose beyond the wall.
Monday March 12, 2018
Condolence From: Michelle Woolfrey Hughes
Condolence: To Richard and Craig. We were so saddened to hear of Aunt Eileen's passing. Your Mom was very special and so talented, she certainly had that creative Yates trait. I have fond memories of our families visiting both in Ontario and Newfoundland. Please know that we are thinking of you. Michelle & Jim
Monday March 12, 2018
Condolence From: Suzanne Mullins
Condolence: Dear Richard and Craig I am so sorry to hear that Aunt Eileen has passed away. She was a lovely and talented lady and we have many memories of visiting her throughout the years. Her house was the scene of many family gatherings where the Ontario and Quebec and even Newfoundland gangs would meet and catch up. Going to Brighton at Applefest time to see her with her pottery table became a yearly excursion for my mom and Lily and me. Her passion for gardening and growing orchids was inspiring to those of us who didn’t necessarily inherit the family green thumb. We will miss her alot but the memories will live on forever.
Monday March 12, 2018