In Memory of






Condolence From: Don Voorhees and Jan McKay
Condolence: Dear Joanne and family, Some friendships become as meaningful as family but because Ernie was Don's brother we had the best of both. Two men were never more suited to share a friendship. Don was never happier than being with Ernie. The laughs were never ending and the love was obvious. Joanne your devotion to Ernie was constant and will always be something Don and I admire of you so very much. We can only hope you know we will stand by you always. We share your (our) loss with broken hearts. Love you guys! Don and Jan
Sunday January 14, 2018
Condolence From: Bill &Adele Martin
Condolence: Joanne and family- our memories run deep with our young kids growing up in Freelton and our families sharing in neighbourhood events and get togethers. We are very saddened to hear of Ernie’s passing. May your memories give you peace. Our thoughts are with you—Bill & Adele Martin
Friday January 12, 2018
Condolence From: Cecelia Carter Smith
Condolence: "A good neighbour is a priceless treasure." Chinese Proverb Ernie enriched our lives in Cavendish Woods. He was a special "link" in our 'hood. We shared energetic dialogue about his beloved Detroit Red Wings. Lots of back and forth fun banter about his "team" and "mine" - The Leafs. I thanked Ernie for sharing Mike Babcock. Ernie was a kind, caring, engaging gentleman. His legacy lives on in his kids and grandkids - whom he cherished. Joanne: know that you are surrounded by a loving "fire-side cheering section" - we are here for you. Huge warm hugs Cecelia Carter Smith
Friday January 12, 2018
Condolence From: Jack Elizabeth Lauri David and Isabelle
Condolence: Ernie, you will always be in our thoughts and in our hearts, will miss you deeply in Barbados and our regular lunches, with love to you Joanne and family, say a hello to Jim and Barb. Xo The Tothe and Parker Families
Friday January 12, 2018
Condolence From: Ron and Cathy Smith
Condolence: We are so very sad to have lost Ernie. He was such a nice guy and lots of fun. We always enjoyed being with him at our family gatherings. Bob and Mandi, Joanne and all the Neisers, we grieve with you and hope you can be strong through the coming days. Your warm memories will keep him close and help heal your hearts. We will miss him. Lots of love and hugs to you all.....Ron, Cathy, Tom and Pete Smith
Thursday January 11, 2018
Condolence From: Judith and Larry Twells
Condolence: Dear Joanne, Bob, Mandi and all the other Neiser family: I will be thinking of you all as you go through the next phase of mourning Ernie....although I only met him briefly, I felt that there was a connection because of the times we were at the Neiser cottage for our Circle retreat - so generous of you to share it with us. I don't know if I'll make it to the funeral home on Monday because I leave for my long trip to Australia/New Zealand that day, so, if I'm not there, I will definitely be thinking of you all and sending you as many healing energies as I can muster. Mandi and Bob are such special friends and I love you and feel your pain. Great big hugs Judy
Thursday January 11, 2018
Condolence From: Margaret Mayes
Condolence: MY dear, dear friend Joanne and family, I love you My heart is aching for you and I am sad but my dear Joanne, I am happy to know you had the love of that beautiful man all the years you did. Happy the little ones had the love of Papa . He loved them so much. I will never forget the good times we had in Barbados and how you both always included me in your circle . Oh how we will miss him. Words cannot express how I feel, will remember last week when you both called and sang Happy Birthday to me on my NON birthday. It was meant to be, the last I heard was him singing Happy Birthday to me. Love and know my heart is praying for comfort for you all and may God be so near that you can feel the brush of angel wings Your buddy Margaret Mayes
Wednesday January 10, 2018
Condolence From: Joe & Barb O'Connor
Condolence: Joanne we are so sorry to hear of Ernie's passing. He was a great neighbor and friend. All the best to you and your family.
Wednesday January 10, 2018
Condolence From: Anka & Don Backman
Condolence: Dear Mandi and Bob We were so saddened to hear about the sudden passing of your father and father-in-law. We are out of the country and so will not be there in person to be with you during this difficult time, but we wanted you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts and our prayers. With love and our deepest sympathy, Anka & Don
Wednesday January 10, 2018