In Memory of





Condolence From: Iain Roszell
Condolence: Hi Val, I was in contact with Jim last month and he had not yet lost hope, so I'm sorry to hear the news. My condolences to you and yours; I will miss his friendship and humour. Iain
Friday December 01, 2017
Condolence From: Chuck and Gail Phillips
Condolence: “We choose casting not only for the sport itself, but for the places it takes us, and the experiences it offers.” When I first met Jim, he was casting Salmon Fly at the Canadian Championships … shirt off with a myriad of red lines all over his back from the line hitting it as he cast into a swirling wind. He had the body of a superhero and a giant heart to match, and when I asked about his back, he laughed and asked me to take a picture of the map that the line had created on his back. We spent a lot of time talking that day and I quickly grew to understand why my husband, Chuck, and all of the other casters loved Jim. Over the many years that followed, we spent many cherished days at the casting pond with Jim and his wife Val. His love for Val and his daughter, Leigh, was beautiful. Friendship with the Roszells was one of the incredible experiences that casting brought to our lives. Jim and his teammates from the Toronto Club cast together countless times to net medals, as well as, priceless memories, for the team. Although Jim was not at the tournaments the last few years, he was always there in spirit, and in the conversations of the casters and their families as we sat around the casting pond. Everyone shared stories and love for the gentle giant. We will miss him very much but know that if we listen carefully, we will hear him proudly call, “Score Perfect!” for his friends on the Canadian team. Fennell Hudson said that “the art of fishing – for fish, dreams, or whatever is available – is enough. It transports us to a special world and a state of mind, where we are free.” Jim, we will miss you. May you cast out your line and be free of pain, knowing that your casting friends and family will keep your spirit alive with us.
Tuesday November 28, 2017
Condolence From: Rod & Bev Craig
Condolence: Dear Val & Leigh, our deepest sympathy to you and your family, we were very sorry to hear about Jim and are thinking of you at this very sad time. He was a great family historian. The way he organized his files & had them always available on many USBs was an inspiration. Loyally Rod & Bev
Saturday November 25, 2017
Condolence From: Donna Fortman
Condolence: Sorry to read about the passing of Jim. Remembering him fondly from WLHS and CJB Branch His help was always greatly received.
Saturday November 25, 2017
Condolence From: Pat Allan
Condolence: So sorry to hear the news ... his vast research knowledge & unique sense of humour will be greatly missed.
Friday November 24, 2017
Condolence From: Ruth Lenover
Condolence: Condolences to the Roszell family. He was a friend to many and will be dearly missed.
Friday November 24, 2017
Condolence From: Marc And Margaret Roszell
Condolence: Valerie and Leigh condolences from the Chatham Roszells. Jim was a good friend, genealogy mentor and very courageous man through his many illnesses. All the Best as you enter a new path in life. Marc and Margaret
Friday November 24, 2017
Condolence From: Michael Hubsch
Condolence: Leigh, My condolences in your loss. Prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Wednesday November 22, 2017
Condolence From: Mark Brown
Condolence: Leigh & Family, Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Lots of Love and BIG Buffalo HUGS your way.
Tuesday November 21, 2017
Condolence From: Dick Schroen
Condolence: Leigh, my sincere condolences to you and your family. While I never had the opportunity to meet him, I am sure you emulate him in your own personality, which is one full of life and vitality. Me best to you and your faimly, Dick
Tuesday November 21, 2017