In Memory of






Condolence From: Jackee and Arnold Gosewich
Condolence: Dearest Margaret-We just learned today that Dick had passed on. Our very sincerest expression of love and sadness from us to you. As our dear friends from these many years and even up to Arnold's last conversation with Dick, while in the nursing home, will stay with us forever, as will the great times the four of us had together. And yes he did ask "how's business" the last time we spoke. Yom Kippur starts in a couple of weeks and Dick will be remembered in our prayers at the synagogue and elsewhere. Jackee and Arnold
Sunday September 10, 2017
Condolence From: Susan Frye
Condolence: Margaret, very sorry to hear of your husband's death. You had such a wonderful life together and those memories will be with you through these difficult days. Sincerely, Susan Frye (ex-Aird & Berlis)
Saturday August 12, 2017
Condolence From: Pat and Len Mines
Condolence: Margaret Please accept our condolences on Dick's passing. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since Dick And I worked together at St. Lawrence and Prince Arthur in Montreal. I do remember his smile and love of life. Gone but not forgotten.
Saturday August 12, 2017
Condolence From: Sheldon Serota
Condolence: It is with great sadness that I read today of the passing of a wonderful, kind and gentle man who was such a good friend to my parents, The late Alexander and Bella Serota. My parents were so very fond of Dick and Margaret, and one of their great regrets as age and illness prevented them from getting together to share stories and laughter was not being able to travel to Burlington to visit the Dumbergs. On behalf of my family, and my parents, we offer our heartfelt condolences to Margaret and Dick's family on the passing of such a remarkable man. The world may never see his like again.
Friday August 11, 2017
Condolence From: Urban Joseph
Condolence: It is a sad Friday morning to read about Dicks passing. He made a strong impression on all TD Bankers. Please accept my condolences. Urban Joseph
Friday August 11, 2017