In Memory of





Condolence From: Henry Walser Funeral Home Team
Condolence: As the year passes, we are remembering with you. Henry Walser Funeral Home Team
Wednesday July 18, 2018
Condolence From: Elisabeth Bauer
Condolence: Regina my dear friend, I am heartbroken for you and for your families loss. You were blessed to have him so kong, cherish the memories. My condolences and deeprst sympathiess. God give you strengyth my friend.
Friday July 21, 2017
Condolence From: Richard and Marianne Lareau
Condolence: To the Ertel family : We are so sorry of Doug's passing. Our condolences go out to you all in this difficult time.Doug was a great man and we will always remember his help, smile and sense of humor. We are sorry that we could not attend the funerals but are thinking of you. Richard and Marianne Lareau
Friday July 21, 2017
Condolence From: Jody & Shannon Burgess
Condolence: Our deepest condolences to the Ertel family in this difficult time.
Friday July 21, 2017
Condolence From: Jody &Shannon Burgess
Condolence: Deepest condolences to the Ertel family in this difficult time.
Friday July 21, 2017
Condolence From: Judy Weber
Condolence: Dear Regina I am so sorry for your loss. Don't know if you remember me. We worked together at Rennie Inc many years ago. God Bless you and your family in this very difficult time.
Friday July 21, 2017
Condolence From: Jeff Berkeley
Condolence: My condolences to the Ertel family.
Thursday July 20, 2017
Condolence From: Katrina Somers
Condolence: All my sympathy to you and your family during this trying time. I wish you all the strength and love you will need to get through.
Thursday July 20, 2017
Condolence From: DAVE & BARB BURGESS
Condolence: Deepest Condolences to the Ertel family. Our hearts go out to you all. R.I.P. Doug.
Thursday July 20, 2017
Condolence From: Callie and Brenda Rankin
Condolence: Our deepest sympathy on the passing of your loved one.
Thursday July 20, 2017
Condolence From: RICK Wade
Condolence: To the Ertel family my condolences. I remember the good times I had racing with Doug and the laughs we had. He was a man that would give u his shirt off his back. R.I.P. my friend.
Thursday July 20, 2017
Condolence From: Dianne Ditner
Condolence: Ruth, Joyce and sorry to hear about condolences and thoughts and prayers are with you at this time...sorry I am out of town and not able to attend the funeral...So hard to believe as I just talked to him at your Mom's funeral...take care, hugs Dianne
Thursday July 20, 2017