In Memory of





Condolence From: Midge And Paul Facciol
Condolence: Dear Colleen and Brian...we have such fond memories of your Mom....she was a great lady...certainly one of a kind...always a good story and always ready for a good laugh....she loved being on the boat and with all the boaters..we know you have good memories to get you through these hard in Peace Lillian....
Tuesday June 20, 2017
Condolence From: Luanne Jones & David Laporte
Condolence: Dear Colleen and Brian, Dave and I were sorry to hear about the loss of your Mother, Lillian. Grandma Morrison was always a favourite of Barbara's. Hope your many memories will be a comfort to all of you. She will be sadly missed. Luanne & Dave
Tuesday June 20, 2017
Condolence From: Jane Enright
Condolence: Dear Colleen, Brian, Erin, and Jason, Our family have such wonderful memories about Lillian. She was a special lady and definitely one-of-a kind. Lillian was as loving, kind, and generous as she was brave and strong. She always had a way of making everyone feel special and welcome at every occasion; and always with a great sense of humour too! You could also never under-estimate Lillian; she was as sharp as a tack and capable of handling anything. My brother, Mom, and me have lovely memories of many dinners, picnics, and visits to Lillian and Andy's house in Welland together with your family. It is those memories that we recall as we remember Lillian fondly. Love and hugs to all, Jane, Susan, and Jamie
Tuesday June 20, 2017
Condolence From: Preyana
Condolence: Dear Colleen Brian and Family. My Deepest condolences to you and the Entire Family. It was a Shock loosing such a great person, Lilly was not only a friend she became more like family to me, our conversations and spending time with Lilly has become fond memories for me. I miss you so much. When I tucked you in Sunday night and we said our good nights and we will see each other tomorrow our tomorrow never came. One of the sweetest lady I know Sleep on Lilly I love you
Thursday June 15, 2017
Condolence From: Sarah Swan
Condolence: I did not know Lilian for very long, but I enjoyed playing cards with her every week, she would beat me every time. She was such a nice lady, I was happy to call her my friend. She was such a joy to be around and to talk to everyday. I remember one time, I took her on a walk outside, and she was so happy looking at all the beautiful flowers and nature. We talked the whole time about lots of things, and learned more about each other. I will miss playing cards with Lilian every week, and seeing her beautiful smile every day. I will miss my dear friend Lilian very much. My condolences to you and your family in this time of grieving and loss. My she rest in peace. So very sorry for your loss.
Tuesday June 13, 2017