In Memory of






Condolence From: Chris (aka "Tiny") his words about Bob at the service
Condolence: As feeble an attempt as this may be, I feel compelled to share my thoughts, my story and to open my heart to all of you regarding my friend and good buddy Bob Ulmer. I had the great pleasure of meeting Bob some 15 or 20 years ago when he moved from Toronto to Ottawa to work at Mitel head quarters. He certainly was a sight to behold, a long-haired hippie hangover, with dark shades, and most memorable of all, a loud “Hey!” every time he walked in the room… But boy oh boy, did this dude know technology. As the days and weeks went by, I quickly began to realize that this “hippie from the Big Smoke” was one interesting guy. He welcomed me into his home with open arms and openly shared his wisdom, passion and experiences of all things tech. Resistor, semiconductors, homemade weather stations, surround sound this, Camcorder that, “Hey Tiny, he'd yell, check this out!” Man oh man! I was like a kid in a candy store with my own personal tour guide. There were wires and cables and wireless thingies everywhere. He seemed to know something about everything. And his plants?! You almost needed a machete just to get through his dining-room. Who would have thought Bob was into “Botany” too?! After a few years of “Craziness on Carling” came the big move to “The Bay”. Now, he couldn’t just buy any old place, no, not Bob. It was this huge place, full of nooks and crannies with all sorts of places to spread out (or as he put it “deploy”) his technology. He was super excited. But I really don’t think he fully realized how much work his “Full Deployment” would be. I have vivid memories of the phone calls, “Hey Tiny, Get out here, I need ya!” And when I did arrive, there he was: tool belt, multi-meter and cable in hand. There wasn’t a job too big for him, hot-water tanks, solar panels on the roof, backup gas generators, you name it and we tried it… Bob was my go-to guy, but not just for technology! He was an amazing pillar of strength for me when I lost another dear friend, and was also an incredible shoulder to lean on as my wife and I adopted our children. He was always willing to listen, always cared about me and my family and will always be sorely missed. Bob Ulmer was an amazing man who cared greatly for the people in his life. The depth of his passion, his charisma, and his knowledge on the many subjects he dabbled in will be greatly missed and never equaled. He was honest and sincere - a teacher to many, a hero to some, and a friend to all. He has profoundly touched the hearts of more people than I dare to imagine. Thanks, Chris
Tuesday June 12, 2012
Condolence From: Don Klein-his words at Bob's service
Condolence: Hello Everyone, I've been asked by Bob's Family to say a few words and I have to say I'm honored. Bob is my close friend, my mentor and in many ways a big brother to me. Bob was one of those rare people you meet in life who defines friendship. . He faced his illness with courage and was determined to beat it. He remained optimistic during our phone calls and was forever planning for the future. I met Bob over 20 years ago when he moved to Ottawa on his next adventure in his career. We became part of a best in class technical support team and our careers took off from there and strong friendships were born. Bob was one of those employees who ANY employer would love to have on staff, dedicated, loyal and a mentor to all who worked alongside him. Bob lived his life like he wanted and not as some may feel society dictates. He loved his home and all the projects within it and believe me there were a LOT from satellite connections to solar power to photography. He loved his family and friends and sought out the companionship of a lady here and there although not a one of them could tame Bob down to domestic life - A free spirit you could say... a kindred soul. Bob was unique especially in his greetings from what up to hows tings to Hey Faggot! I still can’t figure that one out but it was a common greeting and I pretty well expected it. I will miss that strange as it may be. Bob always had advice from purchasing stereo equipment to purchasing low wattage light bulbs – I am serious. Email: Hey!! (No Fagget this time!) Remember that dicussion aroundall those 50 Waat bulbs in that kitchen lite set that hangs down behind ya when yr doin dishes.. Well u said u looked around and around but could not find any Bulbs less than 50 watts.. well I found em. Go to Canadian Tire (CTC) and in the Electrical Lamp dept.. U will find 35 Watt 120 V Lamps.. made by Noma.. Didn't check the price... but there are 2 lamps per pack.. so there u go Did the shoppin 4 ya.. Cheers Bob was really ECO Bob in how he saved energy including putting his appliances on a daily timer. It was quite amazing all of the gadgets he had on the go. I sometimes called him a mad professor but really he was our local weather man if you know what I mean – online weather station and all! My last comment is how Bob impacted my life in how he cares about others and influences others. Bob successfully quit smoking 9 years ago when he turned 50 and I was very proud of him. Bob set the example and reminded me on a regular basis that I’m next to quit. He would even share with me his full cost savings since quiting. So this was my message on a regular basis “So what up..? still smokin (yup) ya ok.. so u r.. Blood pressure man.. ya.ya.ya.ya..” Well after 9 years of this and also turning 50 Kelly and I quit – 6 months now –thanks to Bob who had a great sense of accomplishment and was very proud. Thank You Bob! We will miss you my friend. Lucky for all of us sitting here right now, Bob is on the other side, starting a new trial and making changes so it will be a better place for all of us when we get there. Bob is my friend forever and will never be forgotten – RIP Brother!
Tuesday June 12, 2012
Condolence From: Donna Peppers
Condolence: My condolences to the Ulmer family. I only knew Bob for about 18 months and I never met him in person. But we talked on the phone often and emailed a lot. What a wonderful man! He had some trouble understanding my southern accent at first, but he finally caught on! He was a very understanding guy, a genuine friend. And he explained to me a lot about phones and computers; thanks to him, I now know what packet loss means. I miss him terribly, but will see him again one day and then we will discuss the mysteries of the universe again. I love you, my sweet friend. Donna/Atlanta GA USA
Wednesday June 06, 2012
Condolence From: Christopher Williams
Condolence: I'm so blessed to have known such a gracious and gentle man as Bob. The distinct honor and privilege of field trailing the introduction of Mitel products with him, was all mine. Bob, provided nothing less than perfection when it came to his work. I will miss the companionship we shared for the past six months via our tele worker connection. I was able to spend time with my friend Bob last week. I know now we will meet again in heaven along with all our other friends and loved ones that passed before us. To be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. God Bless you Bob, friend, co-worker.
Wednesday June 06, 2012
Condolence From: Julie Stanfel
Condolence: Bob was my big brother, my defender and advocate, the guy my Mom would call when she couldn't find me. He'd find me, warn me what's up, dutifully return me home, then stick around for the fireworks to take the heat off me. For the better part of my life Bob has ALWAYS been there, consoling, cajoling, encouraging, and like the big brother, always keeping it real. His house was my house, even helped him pick out the one in Constance Bay where we shared many a great BBQ and even more great stories. He traveled, I traveled, but we always met back at the homestead. Home is where the heart is and Bobby always had mine. Love him dearly, will miss him terribly, and look forward to the day when the stories resume. As usual, Bob's heading out on that journey before me, but I know that when we meet again he'll be waiting, probably a cold brewski in hand, to give me the latest update on the status of the universe. Love him always.
Wednesday June 06, 2012
Condolence From: Peter Plekan
Condolence: My heartfelt condolences go out to the Ulmer family and the many, many people who's lives were touched by Bob. Bob, we had some great times in Vancouver and you have left me with great memories that will never go away. I will miss you but you will always be close to my heart. AOA!
Wednesday June 06, 2012
Condolence From: Debbie McKay
Condolence: I met Bob one hot July night in 1976 when we happened to move next door to him. He was sitting on the roof trying to cool off when introductions were made through the open windows. That was the beginning of a long friendship. We all shared houses together during his roadie days. If we had to move while he was on the road we just packed up his stuff and took it with us so he would always have a place to land when he returned. Although there were changes in personal relationships in both our lives, we always managed to keep in touch. When he moved to Stratford and then Ottawa, distance became an issue but our phone calls every couple of months were constant. We would talk for hours about anything and everything and we laughed. A lot!! His mind was a steel trap. He could remember details like it was yesterday. Oddly, I would think about Bob one day and that night he would call. It was uncanny. That's just how it was. He was always ready with advice and provided a sympathetic ear when required. When he became sick, we spoke 2-3 times a week. I was lucky enough to see him before he passed and I'm so glad I did. Bobby, I love you tons, will miss you lots and will never ever forget you. Until we meet again Bobber.
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Don Klein
Condolence: Bob (Zeek) is 1 of my closest buddies and will be missed in body but not in memory. Bob left an ever lasting impression on all who crossed his path. I just can't put any other of my feelings into words right now. My condolence goes out to Bob's family whom I have met of recent - they are a special family and Bob loved them as he spoke of them much over the years. RIP My Friend!
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Suzanne Normoyle
Condolence: My condolences to Bob's family and friends. I only knew him for a short period of time and I know how much he enjoyed his work and his home in Constance Bay. May he rest in peace.
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Bruce Marshall
Condolence: I had the privilege to know Bob since 1985. For some of the Mitel family out there, Bob and I cut our teeth on the old "C" stream software for the SX 2000. We spent many a late night upgrading these beasts... and BOb the ever positive guy always made that 6 hour adventure a fun time, with jokes, stories and friendship. Bob we were both Lifers at Mitel, and now the family is missing a fantastic brother. Thanks for all the great laughs.....
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Sarah (Rawson) Hastie
Condolence: My condolences to the Ulmer family. Bob and I worked together at CTG in Mississauga in the mid 80's. We've always kept in touch over the years. Bob and I were great buddies in the Technical Support Department and spent many lunches together. Bob was always the go-to guy for electronics, hydroponics, battery back-up and any number of technical questions. But most of all he was humourous, caring, patient and one of the kindest of friends I've had the pleasure of knowing. Many comical stories along the way too! I'll miss him.
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Jack Loucks
Condolence: We will miss Bob's enthusiasm, curiosity and his sense of humour. He was such a humble gentleman always willing to help a coworker, or a neighbour in need. A mentor to many, and someone you could rely on for a practical, down-to-earth professional opinion. Keep tinkering Bob!
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Corinne Drover
Condolence: I will miss Bob so very much and our chats about each others health battles that sometimes lasted 2 hours. No matter what or how we felt during the day, we always made each other laugh. Bob was a very caring person and will be missed by many people.
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: isobel bonnar
Condolence: There are so many ways I will miss Bob, his expertise when I needed support, his calmness & his sense of humour & most of all, I will miss a friend. Sincere sympathy to the Ulmer family. Isobel
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Randy Adams PoCo, BC
Condolence: Dr.Zeek My heart is heavy with sadness. Bob met the "C" with courage and conviction unfortunately it wasn't to be be beaten. Hopefully Bob's decision on treatment will help others in the future. Which speaks to his character he was always giving and always had time for anyone that asked for help. I will deeply miss the conversations and the support Johnny Fever provided. Bob could always be counted on for his advice and knowledge. If it was electronic he had a solution. Mr. GPS, weather, solar, giz wizard, audiophile and the list goes on... I will cherish the fond memories I have of Bob and he will live on in memory. My deepest sympathies go out to Bob's friends and family. Farewell my friend.
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: Jan Smith
Condolence: Bob - you will be sadly missed!! You made me feel welcome from day 1 in the "swamp" even though I had a funny accent that you teased me about :-) Rest peacefully Jan
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: John Grunder
Condolence: Bob was a workmate and friend. A great guy. My condolences to the family
Tuesday June 05, 2012
Condolence From: jim baker
Condolence: Johnny Fever, you will be missed, but not forgotten. Still laugh when I think of your " limo ride to the concert and of course your DATE " good times shared! "The doer of good rejoices in this world. He rejoices in the next world. He rejoices in both worlds." "Man quits his mortal frame, when joy in life is past. Even as a snake is wont its worn out slough to cast. No friends' lament can touch the ashes of the dead. Why should I grieve? He fares the way he had to tread."
Tuesday June 05, 2012